Gouvernance MBS Alumni

Governance of the MBS Alumni Association :

The MBS Alumni Association

Every two years, graduates are called upon to present themselves and vote for the renewal of the Board of Directors. The Board is made up of 14 members, 4 of whom are elected to the Bureau. The Bureau is itself elected by the members of the Board.

The Board is made up entirely of MBS graduates from all the school's degree courses. As such, they participate voluntarily in the Association's various bodies to vote and decide on the orientations that guide the MBS alumni network. The current Board of Directors was elected on Friday, October 2, 2020.

Thibaut Rochette

Class of 2010

Head of Montpellier branch
Current President of MBS Alumni

Sébastien Baconnier

Class of 2010

Head of

Vice-Chairman of the MBS Alumni Association

Benjamin Chevalier

Class of 2009

Treasurer of the MBS Alumni Association

Pierre-Olivier NAVARRO

Class of 2010

Secretary of the MBS Alumni Association

Members of the Board of Directors

Antoine BARAT

Master 2013

Riadh BADR

Class of 2016


Promo 2018


Class of 2002

Karine FALCO

Class of 1994


Class of 2013


Class of 1998

Nicolas Lhoste

Promo 2019

Emmanuel MORIN

Class of 2004

Jean-François SALES

Class of 1996